Friday, December 11, 2009

The best 10 minutes of my day :)...

Yesterday was a good day, all things considered!
... I spent a significant amount of time in the kitchen, and all culinary concoctions actually turned out! (This is unusual. Typically I require therapy after coming out of the kitchen :P).
... I've been discovering the joy of finding myself "present" in each activity of the day - instead of rushing ahead or mentally working through situations that are not my present circumstance - I try to find the contentment of focusing on the "here and now." This slows me down, enables me to enjoy a moment (or not, if momma needs a b.r.e.a.k.!!), and helps me tackle the issue of the moment as fully as possible. I'm such a newbie at this, but it is freeing and exciting :)
... Little M's enthusiasm for the christmas program practice was contagious! One of the projects I tackled this year was to pull together a christmas program for our church. I love LOVE the creative part, pulling things together, allowing ideas to percolate -- and I get anxious ANXIOUS about the execution of it! However, yesterday I glimpsed that childhood wonder of christmas programs, excitement, anticipation - and it was contagious! I even squealed with delight myself :).

But the best part of my day was at 10:38pm. Little M should've long been asleep, but because of an afternoon nap, she was finding it difficult to settle down. I was getting quite exasperated already, and finally with threats of removing beloved stuffies if she ventured out again, I tucked her in one final time.
"Mommy, will you snuggle with me?"
Argh. Another stall tactic. "No. It's time for bed."
Being more of the "law and order" type, I tend to lean towards boundaries, consequences, etc. But as I sat on the edge of Little M's bed, I also realized that these types of requests will not last forever. So, I snuggled in and discovered the most precious moment of my day. She put her hand on my arm, scooched in beside me, tucking her head under mine. "Love you mommy." "Love you too, baby." In two minutes she was out, settled by the comfort of my warmth and nearness.
And there, when almost all my energy was spent, I discovered the best moment of my day!

1 comment:

Roo said...

awwwww~!!!! SWEETEST MOMENT EVER! xoxo thank you for the reminder.


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