Monday, January 3, 2011

What the heck!? A new year already!?!?

Okay, so I went to write the date in my journal this morning.
And it finally dawned on me that we've started another year!
The past few weeks have been crazy, and I'm just starting to catch my breath. Aside from preparing for the christmas festivities, there was the bout with the flu, getting ready for Little M's birthday party (which we had to postpone due to aforementioned flu!), gatherings with friends and family and preparing for a family holiday.

I had to laugh to myself. When I thought about the start of a new year, and the things I'd like to be intentional about in the coming 365 days, two very specific things came to mind. They are not very profound :).

1. Use fewer exclamation points in my electronic communications!! See, there I did it again! And AGAIN! Whether it's email, the ocassional facebook entry (I don't visit the "social network" very often) or a blog post, I seem to be highly addicted to the frequent use of exclamation points!! Read any entry - you'll see what I mean.  I'm not sure if I just have an over-abudance of exuberance or if it is just bad form, but it's something to work on ;).

2. I would like to watch more tv. WHAT!? You may be asking yourself. Most people try to reduce their tv-watching. Well, particularly since Wee One arrived, I have found myself on my feet until 11 or 12 at night, just getting stuff done. On more than one occasion I have said to Jon, Where do people find the time to watch tv! I would love to sit down for an hour every evening or two and just veg! I'm not sure if it's because I have unrealistic expectations of what needs to get accomplished by the end of the day, but HEY, at some point we need clean dishes, clean undies and a place to walk across the floor without stepping on fisher price animals!!! I know that this is not healthy and a little R&R at the end of a day would probably help me be a better mommy too!!

What kinds of hopes and dreams do you have for the coming year....

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